Fall Gardening Tips For Zone 8b: Coffee in the Compost? Add nitrogen with coffee grounds, but don’t forget to balance it with brown matter like leaves! #Composting101 #SustainableGarden Source

Working Woodlands – Managing Land for Bobolinks
Bobolinks are one of the many species of birds that call Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park home. Learn more about what makes the Bobolink special and how you can protect their habitat in this Working Woodlands series video with Park Ranger Daniel Puckette, and Allan Strong and Margret Fowle of the Bobolink Project. For more information…

Un jardin en permaculture de moins de 100 m2, retour d’expérience 5 ans après…
5 ans après notre première visite, découvrez l’évolution du jardin en permaculture de Myriam et Déborah près de Perpignan https://zurl.co/5FER La formation suivie par Myriam pour concevoir ce petit jardin urbain nourricier https://zurl.co/7PaH Sur 100 m2 initialement recouvert de gravier bitumineux, elles ont conçu un petit écosystème nourricier avec différents espaces, des buttes de cultures…

Composting 101: Compost anything FAST & EASY
In this video we have a look at the most simple steps to start composting in your own garden. Learn how to make compost and get more tips on how to utilize this natural mulch in your garden. DAIZZ’S TIP:-Composting is a great project to do because it uses food and yard scraps that would…

“Thank you for building our dream property” – 3 Acre Permaculture Tour with TONS of Fruit Trees
“Thank you for building our dream property” was an incredible thing to hear from the new owners of this property. At the end of 2016, we bought a property with just under 3 acres of land with the intent of regenerating the land into a more natural, native state and using some permaculture practices to…

How to Build a Compost Sink | DIY Garden Projects | Gardening Australia
1:12 Josh shows how to build a DIY compost sink – a veggie washing station that saves precious water by using it again to wet down the compost. A great addition to a garden in dry, drought conditions. Materials Framed weld mesh (size to suit compost bay) Old kitchen sink (sourced from local resource/recycling centre)…

Growing Malva Moschata: An Uncommon and Underutilized Permaculture Plant
Links to studies mentioned in the video: Plant pigments (antioxidants) of medicinal plants Malva silvestris L. and Malva moschata L. (Malvaceae).- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16053456 Screening seeds of Scottish plants for antibacterial activity. – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12413709 Malva moschata, also known as musk mallow, may be my favorite plant in my entire garden. It’s easy to germinate, it’s not fussy…

Sun-Mar Garden Compost Tumbler Review
John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ purchases a Sun-Mar 400 continuous cycle composter. In this episode John will share what he likes and doesn’t like about the SunMar Composter and also compare it to other composters he currently uses. Finally you will learn some tips that will ensure your compost is made quickly and easily. Source

The Importance of Urban Permaculture Gardening
Explore why urban permaculture gardening is essential for sustainable living in cities. Learn how it fosters community, conserves resources, and creates thriving green spaces in urban environments. Find more info and content here: http://www.foodforgood.club | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foodforgoodclub | TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@foodforgoodclub Source