I am playing Minecraft for one year after getting our very first villager into the temporary cave yesterday. I thought it was time to get him a profession so we can start utilizing villager trades. Right now my tools are very close to breaking, so the first trade I wanted to get was a mending book. So I made a lectern, went over to the cave and start the process of trying to get a mending trade. After a very short time, I got the trade I wanted. Since I cured this villager of being a zombie villager, the traits I get from him are very cheap. Okay. Also check out his name anyways. So for one emerald and one book I now have Monday I bought a whole bunch of many books and put that on to my nether right Armor, Sword and Pickaxe. After this, I spent the rest of my day repairing my tools, using my skeleton grinder and also going out at night to fight mobs. I’m super hyped to finally get trades going on in this world. The next project for me to do here is to get more villagers for trades and farms so that soon we can be overpowered. By the way, these raids take a really long time to make. So if enjoy, drop us up. Also, check out my Minecraft recap videos every ten days. I am PajamaJohn and…
This is DAY 72 of my 1 Year Minecraft Survival Series. Pajama John
I am on an insane journey to play Minecraft every single day for one year. I am documenting everything I do and turning it into a video each day. I will be building farms, exp grinders, mega bases, cities, towns, villager trading hall. secret base, redstone. as well as doing some tutorials.
JOIN ME LIVE ON TWITCH ( https://www.twitch.tv/pajamajohn ) as I try and complete this adventure. Hey I might be streaming this challenge so check it out. you wont regret it.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pajamajohn
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