This link will take you to a FREE tutorial on everything you need to know about growing vegetables in straw bales.
Straw bale gardening is perhaps one of the ‘newest’ niche-gardening techniques.
This tells you all you need to know about setting up, preparing and planting your straw bales.
This complete guide to straw bale gardens covers all you need to know about growing vegetables in straw bales. as does this book which includes a modified version equiped with a Raised Bed…
Growing vegetables in straw bales has all the advantages of traditional ‘row’ gardening – with none of the drawbacks.
There is no dirt involveed. No back-ache as the bales are at an excellent hieght for gardening.
No heavy digging tools are needed – only a few light hand tools for creating the groaing area.
Vegylittle if any weeding involved as you are growing on virgin ground.
vegetables come out of the bale very clean as there is no soil involved. I have had bother in the past with cats using my beautifully tilled soil to poop in – quite disgusting. With straw bales you have a cats-poo-free growing area.
Like to know more?
Then click on this link to go direct to the FREE Information blog post – no catch!
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