1:12 Josh shows how to build a DIY compost sink – a veggie washing station that saves precious water by using it again to wet down the compost. A great addition to a garden in dry, drought conditions.
Framed weld mesh (size to suit compost bay)
Old kitchen sink (sourced from local resource/recycling centre)
Permanent marker
Side cutters
4 x external angle brackets (to hold sink over compost bay)
PVC elbow (to fit kitchen sink)
Small length of50mm slotted agi pipe
PVC to agi pipe connector
End cap for agi pipe (plastic)
Lay weld mesh on a flat surface (eg: ground) and place kitchen sink face-down on top.
Position sink where appropriate for your requirements and use permanent marker to draw around outline of sink. These marks will show you where to cut, so that your sink will nest into the weld mesh.
Using side cutters, snip the weld mesh where marked to produce ‘hole’ for the sink to nest within.
Nest kitchen sink into weld mesh, and place over compost bay, and mark appropriate points on compost bay for brackets to hold mesh.
Using appropriate external screws, attach brackets to compost bay.
2:20 Attach PVC elbow to sink outflow, and attach agi pipe. (This allows the water to be distributed over a larger surface area of the compost bay, rather than concentrated in one spot.)
Position mesh on brackets over compost bay and place sink, ensuring the agi pipe is placed evenly over compost surface.
3:30 Get harvesting and get washing!
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