Jude constructs a hot compost bay layered with the perfect ingredients to feed a productive patch. Subscribe http://ab.co/GA-subscribe On a sloping block in the Blue Mountains, Jude has many projects on the go. To keep the garden cranking, Jude’s been learning a lot about compost. “This stuff is gold,” says Jude, “it adds nutrients, water…
Category: Gardening
Living sustainably on a suburban block | Urban Farming | Gardening Australia
Hannah visits a family who are living their dream – dedicating their lives and their land to cultivate almost everything they need. Rather than self-reliance, they call it community-reliance. 1:21 Meg and Patrick have been working on the plot for 10 years, and when they started, there was only one mature oak tree on the…
Permaculture au potager : 115 kg de légumes sur 50 m2 dans un jardin familial
🥕Découvrez le potager en permaculture de Sébastien, où il produit plus de 115kg de légumes à l’année sur une petite surface d’environ 50 m2 en travaillant avec la nature et non contre elle. Avec l’aide de nos formations en ligne, Sébastien a conçu son jardin en permaculture en concertation avec sa femme et leurs 4…
Building a Better World with the Power of Community – Together We Grow (Full Documentary)
Together We Grow is a free documentary that tells the inspiring story of a thriving hub helping to build resilience into its local community by farming in urban backyards, sewing with recycled materials, repairing bikes – you name it, Common Unity is doing it! “This beautiful film is the perfect antidote to the cynical narrative…
Free Fungally Dominated Compost & Mulch
We’ve been using fungally dominated compost and mulch in our garden for years, and we’ve done so without ever purchasing packaged compost or mulch products. Today I’ll show you how, but first let’s talk about the difference between bacterially dominated compost and fungally dominated compost. OYR is all about growing a lot of food on…
How to grow food for your bees with Mickael Moore (video)
Mickael, a retired marine from Texas, shares his enthusiasm for growing food for his family and his bees. Traveling around the USA and Australia, Cedar’s sister Mira found Flow™ Hives being used in some pretty diverse locations… suburban backyards, rural ranches, magical secret gardens, and even on a rooftop in downtown LA! There will be…
Q&A: Thoughts on Heavy Metals Not Leaching in Mushroom Growing in pH Neutral Soils
Question: Thoughts on Heavy Metals Not Leaching in Mushroom Growing in pH Neutral Soils. – Heavy metals aren’t water soluble until 4.5 of the scale. – Mushrooms are connected to the organic matter in soil, which is more stable. – Safer with mushrooms than plants. Source
How To Grow Mushrooms At Home in 14 Days
Make room for MUSHROOMS! You can practically watch them grow before your very eyes. These fabulous fungi put the FUN into growing! In only two weeks or so, you can be picking your own immune sytem-boosting gourmet treats with these easy-to-grow methods. If you’re a fungi fanatic or a mushroom muncher, this one’s for you!…
How to make great compost | DIY Garden Projects | Gardening Australia
00:42 Get composting with Costa! It doesn’t have to be expensive, it doesn’t have to be complicated… and you can do it anywhere! Compost is great for your plants and the environment. When food scraps break down in landfill, they produce large amounts of methane (much more potent that carbon dioxide). Composting prevents most of…
Overview of Plant Classification: Vascular and Nonvascular Plants
Now that we have covered most of the basics regarding plant structure and function, it’s time to start digging into all the different types of plants, how they are classified, and their evolutionary history. It’s even more fascinating than you think! Let’s start by discussing the ancestors of plants, and the differences between vascular and…