Find out about the GrowVeg book here: Nutritious, delicious and oh, so ap-PEA-ling! Peas are the must-have vegetable for any gardener’s patch. Learn everything you need to know to grow your own peas, from which varieties to choose, different ways to sow, plant and support them as well as when to pick peas for…
Category: Permaculture
Aszhianna interviews her mother about the University of Wisconsin Odyssey Project
The UW-Odyssey Project changes lives for adults near the poverty level. Now in its 15th year, this inspirational project has empowered more than 400 low-income adults to find their voices and get a jumpstart at earning college degrees they never thought possible. Graduates of the program have journeyed from homelessness to UW-Madison degrees, from incarceration…
How to make Keyhole garden beds – Permaculture Design!
Buy Organic Seeds here! #permaculture#organic#workwithnature Source
Reestablishing a Nourishing Relationship with Nature | University Place
Stephen Packard, Restoration Ecologist, discusses the environmental requirements for successfully reestablishing prairies and focuses on how to cultivate seeds, the germination process, and how to pollinate plants. Explore the full archive of PBS Wisconsin University Place lectures online anytime at and on the free PBS app on Roku, other streaming devices and Smart TVs.…
Growing Fish in Greenhouses
Milwaukee’s Growing Power, a community-based urban food center, is using plants as natural water filters for raising yellow perch. Fred Binkowski, an aquaculture specialist with the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, provides technical advice on the experimental effort. Source
Mapping in Permaculture
Mapping can be done remotely, anywhere in the world for any location. Permaculture designers use a body of known facts—science—to find patterns for piecing together productive properties. In order to do so, we need to know everything about a site, not just location (distance from equator, altitude, distance from ocean) but also the specific features.…
Eating my way through permaculture design
Eight years since participating in a permaculture design course and I think I’m getting the rudimentary aspects, or at least the health benefits of growing bionutrient dense food. I coined a new word: Bionutrient. A new term: Bionutrient dense. #Bionutrient #Bionutrientdense #Permaculture Source
Green is the New Silver (Lining): Crisis, Hope, and Permaculture
Excerpt from our new documentary “Green is the New Silver (Lining): Crisis, Hope, and Permaculture.” Check it out above, then click here to see the full 30-minute video: Applied permaculture design provides us with the strategies we need to adapt to a changing world. And by doing so, we can make a difference not…
Agari Permaculture Farm Tour
Agari Permaculture Farm, in Victoria, Australia, is a workshop space for natural building, permaculture, natural health, healing and more. This short film gives a tour of their amazing cob house, earthbag dome, kitchen/social area, and shows the awesome people who created this great space. ** More about Happen Films ** Support us in making more…
Permaculture Ethics : Trailer
This short film is bonus content part of the feature documentary Permaculture The Documentary. Featuring Co-originator David Holmgren and Indigenous Australian Nyoongar, Yondee (Shane Hansen) centres around the Ethics of Permaculture and sustainability. In this 20 minute film, discover the design ethics of Permaculture; Care of Earth, Care of People and Fair Share and how…