Simple furniture makeover using Dixie Belle. Today is a Dixie Belle Chalk paint furniture makeover with a touch of stencilling. This was a FB marketplace flip for profit. Buy your products here: Dixie Belle: Sleek Brushes Australia: All my links: ABOUT ME At Monnow Lane Furniture I flip furniture full time, both…

Beautifully repair a hole in your pants / how to maintain your clothes
Beautifully repair a hole in your pants using simple handicrafts to provide sewing lessons to teach beginners hand sewing and provide them with useful sewing techniques and new and innovative sewing ideas to repair a hole on your clothes without leaving a trace by using a needle and thread to sew the hole from the…

Vasen Upcycling aus Flaschen & Altglas | DIY
Heute zeige ich euch, wie ihr aus euren alten Flaschen ganz einfach neue Vasen machen könnt. Ihr benötigt lediglich Altglas, Acrylfarbe, Speisestärke und einen Pinsel. Herzlich Willkommen im Jahr 2021! Ich hoffe ihr seid alle wunderbar ins neue Jahr gerutscht und könnt frohen Mutes auf 2021 blicken. Vielleicht habt ihr ja gestern auch das ein…

The Church of Permaculture Sunday Service – The Prime Directive
The Prime Directive of Permaculture is the focus of this week’s sermon. There is no other movement with a similar prime directive. There are hardly any movements with even a prime directive. Most movements are about obtaining more money or power whereas permaculture is the opposite rejecting to make these demands and instead focusing on…

How to Sew Heavy Specialty Fabrics (Pleather, Vinyl, Cork)
If you’re working on a project that requires pleather, vinyl, or cork, don’t fret. While these materials may require a few simple adjustments, simply using the right needle, thread, and understanding the material is all it takes to sew with these fabrics and easily as any other! ——————————————————————————————————————— Shop WonderFil Threads online or at a…

Eco Friendly Kitchen: 25 Easy Tips For Sustainable Living
Eco Friendly Kitchen: 25 Easy Tips For Sustainable Living – CLICK In today’s episode of The Desi~licious Den: Dietitian on Demand, Shahzadi shares her top easy tips for sustainable living — strategies that are healthy for you and the environment too! As a registered dietitian and mum of three, Shahzadi truly believes we can…

Using Lantana for Massive Summer Color | Gardening with Creekside
This year we are using lantana for our massive summer color in the flower beds in front of our house. Luscious® Royale Lemon Tart™ will give us loads of bright yellow flowers all season long and will really begin to shine in the dog days of summer – it is one heat-loving annual! I am…

Compost Worm Farming
Learn more about Permaculture with my free 4-part Masterclass series, here: Compost worm farms transform household waste into a resource, a very valuable resource, a nutrient-rich fertilizer (liquid and solid) while also closing the loop on food waste cycles in households. Compost worms are a great way to make your own fertilizer for organic…

Umdenken: Müllvermeidung durch Upcycling
Thomas Zigahn stellt aus Materialien, die für andere ausgedient haben, neue Produkte her. Unter dem Label “Tanz auf Ruinen” entstehen so z.B. aus alten Schallplatten Uhren. Upcycling heißt dieses Prinzip der Müllvermeidung. In der Serie “Umdenken” porträtieren wir Menschen, die sich mit den großen Zukunftsfragen schon heute im Kleinen beschäftigen. ++++++++++ Jetzt abonnieren: Instagram:…

How To Freeze Fresh Blackberries . . . The Right Way : 6 STEPS
In this video we show you how to preserve your blackberries by freezing them the right way, in 6 clear steps, so you can enjoy them all year round. Don’t forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE. Thanks Source