I’m playing Minecraft for one year after getting mending on most of my netherite gear Yesterday I only had one tool I need to get mending on left. This was my trusty Fortune three pickax. I used to get more materials so got enough XP to add that onto my pickax, which has a pretty…

How to Paint Laminate Furniture
Today I’m going to share with you what I call the lazy girl method for painting furniture. There is no sanding and no priming for super easy prep. Everything that you’re going to use is water-based, as opposed to oil based, which means that washing your paintbrushes and cleaning up is going to be easy.…

Bryophytes and the Life Cycle of Plants
We now understand that the ancestors of plants came from the ocean. But eventually, the first plants made their way out of the water and onto land. What did these plants look like? What functions were they capable of carrying out, and how did they reproduce? These plants were called bryophytes, and examples of these…

Zero Waste Cooking | Red Sea Bream
Ingredients: Red Sea Bream 500g Fried Rice Recipe: White Rice (Overnight) – 1/2 cup Chopped Garlic Carrot Sweet Corn Crab Stick Spring Onion Salt to taste Fish sauce to taste Fish Soup Recipe Seaweed Vegetable Lime Slices If you like this video, you might like these too: ▶https://youtu.be/hYpU872EgBQ ▶https://youtu.be/z51kJVa7g24 Plates & Bowls from Table Matters:…

What really happens to the plastic you throw away – Emma Bryce
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-really-happens-to-the-plastic-you-throw-away-emma-bryce We’ve all been told that we should recycle plastic bottles and containers. But what actually happens to the plastic if we just throw it away? Emma Bryce traces the life cycles of three different plastic bottles, shedding light on the dangers these disposables present to our world. Lesson by Emma Bryce,…

How to mend a zipper on a bag How to Fix Every Zipper Issue Fix a Zipper that Doesn’t Close
How to mend zipper on a bag without hastle? Even if you believe a bag, backpack, pair of jeans, or fleese with a damaged zipper are beyond repair, hold off on throwing them away for the time being. It’s simple and generally successful to repair a zipper. It’s not at all a time-consuming task; with…

15 Year Mulch Study | University Place
Amaya Atucha, Fruit Crop Specialist at UW-Extension, discusses orchard floor management systems. Atucha explains the importance of a healthy ground cover to maintain soil temperature and moisture, reduce weed competition, minimize soil erosion and provide a habitat for beneficial insects. Explore the full archive of PBS Wisconsin University Place lectures online anytime at https://pbswisconsin.org/universityplace and…

Understanding Compost – Garden Magic
Compost is amazing. Compost is magic. Compost provides nutrients to plants, improves soil structure, recycles yard waste, creates very beneficial biodiversity, and much more. Understanding how composting works and how to do it is a good way to begin using it. With some science and some how-to, Gardener Scott explains compost and discusses some of…

Buy Chicken NOW, Stockpile Chicken NO REFRIGERATION | Prepping | Canning Chicken
Buy Chicken NOW, Stockpile Chicken NO REFRIGERATION | Prepping | Canning Chicken Canning chicken, SUPER EASY, raw pack chicken Buy chicken now, Chicken will soon be overpriced or unavailable. Buy Meat NOW And Preserve It With NO REFRIGERATION, its time for Prepping and Canning raw pack chicken! DO THIS NOW BEFORE ITS TO LATE! Canning…

FoodTech Talks: Grow your own food at the Masdar City Eco-Villa
Did you know you can grow your own food in your villa in the UAE? The Masdar City Eco-Villa has a number of innovative solutions that showcase just how much you can do from the comfort of your sofa. Discover more as we speak with Amna AlZaabi from Masdar City and Abdulaziz AlMulla from Madar…