
A Special Guest Helps Plant the Chicken Coop’s First Garden | Gardening with Creekside
I am excited to have a very special guest come help me plant the chicken coop’s first garden! Our dear friend Christine is back with us in the garden, and we are installing an annual flower bed in front of our new chicken coop from @CarolinaCoopsVideos Follow Christine & @cabincreekhomestead761 on YouTube here 🪴…

How to Sew: DIY Pillowcase Dress with Free Pattern
The DIY pillowcase dress is a really easy dress to create for young girls. You can use a plain fabric and pretty it up with applique, lace, sparkles or a contrasting band around the hem, or use some of the gorgeous prints available from online fabric stores. FREE PATTERN (3m – 12y) Our tutorial…

Silvopasture: Moving Beyond Cows in the Woods | University Place
Diane Mayerfeld, Outreach Specialist, Sustainable Agriculture, UW- Extension; Vance Haugen, Agriculture Agent/Educator, UW-Extension; Randy Mell, Natural Resources Educator, UW-Extension; Otto Wiegand, Agriculture Agent, UW-Extension; and Mark Rickenbach, Chair, Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology, UW-Madison, discuss the integrated management of trees, livestock and forage. Explore the full archive of PBS Wisconsin University Place lectures online…

Buffet and Hutch makeover | furniture flip start to finish
Its part 1 of this massive buffet hutch makeover. Todays its a Hutch furniture makeover! This is part one of the flip – part two will be underway tomorrow! To watch part 2 (the buffet) head over here: Buy your products here: Dixie Belle: Sleek Brushes Australia: ALL MY LINKS! ABOUT…

Quick & Easy Composting: The Essential Bokashi Compost Bin
Get 15% off The Essential Bokashi Compost, EM1, Bokashi bran, or any of the TeraGanix products by using the link, and the discount code below. PROMO CODE → STACKSURBANHARVEST THE ESSENTIAL BOKASHI COMPOST BIN → STORE LINK → DISCLAIMER: This video description contains affiliate links above, which means that if you click on…

How to Fix a Flat Tire on a Bicycle
This video will give you a basic overview of how to repair a flat tire on a bike, including how to remove the wheel, replace the inner tube, and put it all back together. Questions or comments? Leave them below! See all our Tire & Tube videos in our Tire & Tube playlist ▶︎…

Upcycling in the garden with Ciscoe Morris
Expert gardener Ciscoe Morris recently had a racoon knock over one of his favorite bird baths, leaving a giant hole in the basin. Which was an opportunity disguised as a misfortune. “I’m not gonna just throw this beauty away,” Ciscoe declared. “I’m gonna turn it into an alpine mountain scene!” First, he put a small…

How to Freeze Raw Vegetables : Eating Healthy
Subscribe Now: Watch More: Raw vegetables need to be frozen in a very particular way to help maintain their integrity for the long term. Freeze raw vegetables with help from the founder and president of Grow Green Industries in this free video clip. Expert: mareya ibrahim Filmmaker: Nick Brosco Series Description: Eating healthy…