
What Is David Working on Today? 6/28/20 – Pants Repair
David Lynch Theater Presents: What Is David Working on Today? – Pants Repair Other Links you may enjoy: What Is David Working on Today? Do You Have a Question for David? Part 1 THE STORY OF A SMALL BUG RABBITS 1 Source

Preserve Veggies in Minutes! – How to Blanch and Freeze Vegetables – SO EASY!!!
Preserve your backyard garden vegetables in just minutes! Learn how to blanch and freeze cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and asparagus so that you can preserve them for long term storage. Subscribe for more tutorials on food preservation. Melanie Lynn shows you how she quickly prepares wild foraged and store bought vegetables for the freezer for long-term…

Recipes for Kids: Lemon Popsicles
Try this super summer lemon popsicle recipe! One of our great kids’ recipes. They’re delicious and really easy to make. Find more recipes for kids on our DK Food and Drink playlist: For more fun crafts and activities subscribe to the DK Kids’ Activities playlist: Ingredients: 6 juicy lemons 1 cup (250ml) runny…

Sustainable Agriculture Finance Facility
The Sustainable Agriculture Finance Facility provides customized bundled loans that match the farmers’ needs and takes into account specific ICLF (integrated crop-livestock-forest systems) parameters. More: SAFF provides a five-line credit bundle with tailored timeframes for different ICLF uptake stages that cater to the risk and cash flow profile of ICLF systems, coupled with a…

Wednesday, February 1st: Giving used clothing and old billboards a new life
Upcycling at its finest Subscribe to WMUR on YouTube now for more: Get more Manchester news: Like us: Follow us: Instagram: Source

How to grow vegetables in raised bed gardens
TV Presenter and Gardening Expert, Katie Rushworth shows you how to plant a raised bed vegetable garden. Using a simple wooden frame filled with compost, Katie plants a variety of vegetables and herbs including Beetroot, Onions, Lettuce, Strawberries, Chives, Rosemary, Basil, Sage and Thyme. These raised planting beds are great for gardening in small spaces.…

Master class Zero Waste Fashion, proyección de futuro. Todo lo que necesitas saber para continuar en el mundo de la moda. Source

IS A SEWING MACHINE SERVICE WORTH IT?? My ‘non-broken’ machine before and after a pro service!
If your sewing machine is not ‘broken’ is it really worth taking it in for a professional service? I’m testing my machine before and after so we can see what a difference it might make! // Learn to sew and fit the clothes you dream of with me at VINTAGE SEWING SCHOOL : and…

STEAM: Meet A Permaculture Gardener
Morgan Louis is a permaculture gardener in Studio City. Louis said of all the STEAM disciplines, permaculture gardening relies most on science and art. Source