↓ CLICK “SHOW MORE” FOR RESOURCES ↓ Get instant access to our free library of resources: https://snip.ly/ucdm83 _ 2020 has been a wild ride! I found myself in Puerto Rico through the earthquakes and COVID-19 Pandemic! While I’m a legal Puerto Rican citizen, I don’t yet have a home on the island. So, I’ve been…
How to Sew a Partial Seam
This quilt is a quick and easy quilt. Big pieces and a few partial seams make it look very complicated…but it is not. Down load the free pattern here http://studioefabrics.net/php/catalog/fabricshop.php?a=projects&project=143. Fabric Distributed in Canada by International Textiles fabric http://www.studioefabrics.com/shop/product/2865-09/ and http://www.studioefabrics.com/shop/product/2869-99/ http://www.internationaltextiles.ca/ Bernina Sewing machines http://www.bernina.com/en-CA/Products… Source
Mixed Vegetable Pakora (Ramadan 2022 Special) Pakora Recipe
اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين *Welcome to Sameena´s kitchen* Enable subtitles in the language you want. SUBTITLE. The video has subtitles in different languages. Ingredients: 1 cup Spinach 1 Onion 1 Potato 1/2 cup Cabbage 1/2 cup Carrot 2 tbsp Coriander chopped 2 tbsp Mint chopped 1 tsp Red…
Have too many feed bags? Tired of just throwing them away? I will show you 3 easy ways to reuse and recycle your feed bags. If you have other ideas, please submit them in the comments and I will give them a try! Check out the entire Raising Chickens – Quick Tips Playlist for more…
“Made in Forests” – a short story about sustainable fashion
Malaysian-born film star and UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Michelle Yeoh put the spotlight on the role that clothing manufacture and consumer fashion can have for a better planet with a new video, called “Made in Forests.” “Made in Forests” highlights how conventional material choices rely predominantly on cotton and polyester – two materials with a high…
4 Families Come Together to Share and Live Simply in Community!
Grain & Sens is a multicultural eco-community in Ardèche, France consisting of four families who all believe there could be more people living together and sharing resources. Where there once was a single family, now there are 14 people living in community. They all live in simple tiny houses each with their own gardens to…
How to Fix Colour Run Accidents with Dr. Beckmann Colour Run Repair
Learn how to remove dye from clothes caused by mixed-wash accidents. Did that red sock make it into your load of whites? Removing dye stains is no longer a problem. Add Colour Run Repair in your wash to remove colour run stains from clothes. Restaure la coloration originelle des vêtements Dr. Beckmann Colour Run Repair™…
Dove trovare negozi alla spina in Italia sembra una domanda che in molti si stanno facendo. In questo video vediamo come trovare negozi Zero Waste in Italia per una spesa alla spina e come fare una spesa sostenibile al supermercato. Siti Internet: Rete Zero Waste: http://www.retezerowaste.it/mappa/ Basta Rifiuti: http://bastarifiuti.com/negozi-alla-spina/ Detersivo in scatola: https://www.detersivoinscatola.com/ __ Subscribe…
GROW Mealworms for FOOD | DIY Mealworm Farm | BUGMAS 2018 — Day 1
Welcome back to Bugmas, my annual 5-day bug eating countdown to Christmas. For Day 1, I’ll show you how to construct a self-sorting mealworm grower that will allow you to raise mealworms for food. It’s easy and fascinating — imagine an ant farm, but wigglier. New videos every Thursday and Saturday 8 pm EST. Join…
Шьем без остатков! 100% утилизация DIY / Upcycling
Всем приятного просмотра и вдохновения! Видео косметички с похожей стежкой https://youtu.be/KfMrC36xLRc Буду очень признательна за финансовую поддержку канала PayPal kobets88alla@gmail.com Monobank 5375 4141 2185 3187 Приват Банк 4731 2196 4200 8456 Мой рукодельный канал https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT7zltEPhd56-3-inGQ2YyQ ********************************************************* Подписывайтесь на мою страничку в Инстаграм! @alla.kobets https://www.instagram.com/alla.kobets ********************************************************** я в Пинтерест https://pin.it/34ZPEh7 ********************************************************** Подписывайтесь в ТикТок @alla.kobets https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeHFGK1Q/…