Morgan Stanley’s Sustainable Solutions Collaborative identifies and nurtures breakthrough innovations that take a systems-level approach to some of the world’s most pressing sustainability challenges. Each year, five organizations receive a grant and engage in a yearlong partnership with the firm to help scale their solutions. We are proud to present the second cohort of the…

DIY T-shirt Refashion (Easy No Sew Clothes!)
Are you about to throw away your plain old t-shirt? In this video we refashion a Peplum Lace T-shirt, Sleeve Tie T-shirt Alteration, Off the Shoulder T-shirt Reconstruction and Slit Tie Back T-shirt to Tank Top! Use DIY no sew t-shirt reconstruction to make these cute refashion t-shirts for your wardrobe collection. These are easy…

AWS Summit Brussels 2022 – AWS Well-Architected Framework for sustainability
AWS focuses on efficiency in every aspect of our infrastructure. Builders accelerate workload sustainability through optimization and informed architecture patterns. This session dives deeper into techniques recommended by the sustainability pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework and provides direction for reducing the energy and carbon impact of AWS architectures. The session also covers user patterns,…

Upcycling Thrift Finds (And Eco-Friendly Packaging)
Today I have a thrift store haul that I have up-cycled with some lettering and creativity! I bought some items from local thrift shops, asos marketplace and thred up! To up-cycle them I have hand painted, screen printed or embroidered! I’m also going to show you some eco-friendly branded tissue I got from noissue :)…

Vegetable Gardening: How to Plan a Highly Productive Garden
See the GrowVeg book here: Growing your own food is a great way to save money and eat more healthily so it’s important to make the most of the space you have available. Whether you’re starting a new garden or working with the same space as last year, a few simple changes can greatly…

The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart (2020) | Meeting the Bee Gees (Clip) | HBO
You never forget the first time you meet a Bee Gee. Nick Jonas, Justin Timberlake, Chris Martin, and Noel Gallagher look back on their first encounters with the music legends in this bonus scene. The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart premieres this Saturday on HBO Max and is available internationally in…

Magical Permaculture Food Forest Sure to Impress | Our 3rd Visit | 2022 GreenDreams Update
We visit permaculture designer Pete Kanaris of @PeteKanarisGreenDreamsFL in Florida and sample the fruits of his food forest. Pete’s YouTube Channel: Today’s vlog edited by FREE Courses: _________________________ CHICKENS: Homestead Design: PIGS: The Great American Farm Tour (free chapters): ____________ Shop my Merchandise: Product Placement (Kubota): Source

$135 vs $13 Nachos: Pro Chef & Home Cook Swap Ingredients | Epicurious
Pro chef Saúl Montiel from Cantina Rooftop and home cook Lorenzo are swapping recipes and hitting the kitchen to whip up a plate of nachos. We provided Lorenzo with all the ingredients necessary to make chef Saúl’s over-the-top $135 nacho recipe, sending only $13 worth of materials back the other direction. Could our all-star home…

#HacktoBasics: Zero-Waste Home Air Freshener
#HacktoBasics: Zero-Waste Home Air Freshener This simple green life hack shows how you can create a zero-waste air freshener! A descriptive transcript for this video is available by visiting the following link: — #savoirdebase : Un désodorisant d’intérieur sans déchet Ce truc simple et écologique montre comment désodoriser une pièce sans produire de déchet!…

3 Easy Ways To Start Composting At Home
Three easy ways to make your own home compost! Subscribe to Goodful: Goodful Goodful Feel better, be better, and do better. Subscribe to Goodful for all your healthy self care needs, from food to fitness and everything in between! Connect with Goodful: Like us on Facebook:… Follow us on Instagram: Follow us…