
Furniture Art, “Daily Dose of Sunshine” by Ali Rey, Yellow Painted Furniture
Happy Easter Sunday to Everyone! This bright and happy yellow painted furniture art is so fitting to celebrate Christ’s Resurrection on beautiful Sunday! Watch as I carefully and meticulously paint the “Daily Dose of Sunshine” Dresser. This dresser is a part of a furniture set that I created for a client of mine who wanted…

How to Sew a Straight Stitch (SEWING BASICS) | WITHWENDY
For the beginnerest of the beginners, here’s how to sew a straight stitch on a sewing machine. Now you can make things! CLICK TO NEVER MISS AN UPLOAD: SHOP MY SEWING SUPPLIES HOW TO HAND SEW HOW TO SET UP A SEWING MACHINE MUSIC “Childrens TV”, by Scott Holmes |…

Rolls-Royce | Sustainability for Rolls-Royce is net zero power and more
AI helps optimise how complex, digitally-connected low carbon energy systems work. The Aletheia Framework helps us do that, while tackling the big issues around the ethics, bias and trustworthiness in the use of AI. Rolls-Royce pioneers cutting-edge technologies that deliver clean, safe and competitive solutions to meet our planet’s vital power needs. Find out more…

Upcycling: Wenn aus alten Skateboards etwas Neues entsteht
Mehr Videos unter Alte, kaputte Skateboards müssen nicht zwangsläufig in den Müll. Ob kleine Deko oder ganze Möbel – der 35-jährige Robert Flödder aus Lingen (Niedersachsen) fertigt aus den alten Rollbrettern alles Mögliche. Innerhalb einer Woche nimmt er bis zu zehn Skateboards auseinander, die er gespendet bekommt. #skateboard #upcycling #skateboarding SAT.1 REGIONAL auf Instagram:…

I Got Tasty Producers To Go Vegan For A Week • Tasty
Follow our Tasty Producers as they go vegan for a week! If you want more of Tasty, check out our merch here: Subscribe to Tasty: About Tasty: The official YouTube channel of all things Tasty, the world’s largest food network. From recipes, world-class talent, and top-of-the-line cookware, we help connect food lovers in…

HUGE Food Preservation Day! Let’s Make Our Food Last Longer!
I preserved lettuce for weeks! I’ll show you how. It’s a HUGE food preservation day. Let’s make our food last longer. I’ll share how we freeze-dry fruit, have our lettuce last weeks, and make the most of our freezer. WATCH NEXT: FOODS THAT NEVER EXPIRE! She’s In Her Apron Planner- Harvest Right Freeze…

What is a Sustainable Hiking Trail?
Hiking trails in the Adirondack Park are degrading before our very eyes. This all comes from a long history of improper design. We need to provide people with trails that are not only safe, but also ecologically viable. This brings us to sustainable trails. You can help revitalize the Adirondack Park’s trail network as an…

24 Hours On A Permaculture Farm In Mexico
In this feature length video we spend 24 hours on a #permaculture farm in rural #Mexico. Our hosts, #AnimaCasaRural showed us what sustainable living looks like in Mexico. Anima Casa Rural hosts just about anyone who wants to experience a relaxing getaway from the city. They also specialize in hosting artists via art residencies and…

How to grow rose cuttings faster and easily at home? These 10 tricks and gardening hacks will teach you how to successfully root rose cuttings in soil or in water. We will also show you two simple and unique hacks to get one 100% success rate in rooting rose cuttings. We also discuss some very…