Learn how to make beef jerky with a dehydrator, or home oven. The recipe used is a savory, black pepper version, but I also give you tips on how to make your own custom beef jerky recipe. CUTS OF BEEF USED FOR JERKY In my opinion, the best cut of meat to use for beef…
Okay to put weeds in compost pile|Daphne Richards|Central Texas Gardener
Can you put weeds in a compost pile? Daphne Richards has the answer and explains cold composting and hot composting. Pick of the week is Tecoma stans ‘Orange Jubilee’. Find out more at www.klru.org/ctg. Source
How To Can 4 Different Meats With a Pressure Canner
Remember! Fish has longer cooking time! Pints=100 minutes. Quart jars=160 minutes. Yup, that’s two hours and forty minutes per quart! Enjoy! Learn the proper way to can chicken, beef, fish and pork using your pressure canner. **KEEP FISH SEPARATE FROM OTHER MEATS!** Check out National Center for Home Food Preservation for more information: http://nchfp.uga.edu/how/can5_meat.html Subscribe…
The BEST Food Plot Setup?! | New Food Plot Strategy!!
Spending some extra time planning out your food plot setup can greatly increase your hunting success. Picking a spot and putting some seed in the ground can work, but thinking about things like entry and exit, predominant wind direction, screens and when you plan to hunt are just as or more important that having a…
Why Composting Sites Are Banning Compostable Plastics | One Small Step | NowThis Earth
Single use items like straws, cups, and cutlery are being labeled as ‘compostable’ — but the truth is a bit more complicated. » Subscribe to NowThis Earth: https://go.nowth.is/Future_Subscribe » Sign up for our newsletter KnowThis to get the biggest stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox: https://go.nowth.is/KnowThis Single-use items that are called ‘compostable’…
How the future climate is changing how Australian green spaces are designed | Gardening Australia
All over the world policy makers and communities are planning for a climate change-impacted future, figuring out what needs to happen to make sure we have our needs met, and cities with healthy green spaces are a very strong need. Subscribe http://ab.co/GA-subscribe Clare Hart is the manager of Horticulture at the Melbourne botanic gardens and…
Green Blenz – Aerated Static Pile Composting
ECS worked with Lenz Enterprises to develop an aerated static pile compost system to process up to 60,000 tons/year of source separated organics and yard waste. This facility features reversing aeration primary compost followed by secondary turned windrows. Please contact us to learn more, at info@compostsystems.com Source
Wild Foods Foraging & Preservation with Marc Williams and Natalie Bogwalker Final Parts UNCUT
COMPLETE UNCUT FOOTAGE – FINAL PARTS Join ethnobotanist, Marc Williams and forager extraordinaire, Natalie Bogwalker on this adventure as we discover the wild foods around us in the fields and forest edge. Learn an architecture of understanding plants based on their families and common traits to help expedite a working knowledge of the plant diversity…
Pigeon Pea as Companion Plants using Permaculture techniques – taste great too
The Pigeon Pea can be used not only for eating just like normal peas but also as part of Permaculture practices such as companion planting. Buy Pigeon Pea plants from Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery where they are for sale: http://www.daleysfruit.com.au/Pigeon-Pea.htm ——————————- Website: http://www.daleysfruit.com.au Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DaleysFruit Google+: https://plus.google.com/+daleysnursery/posts Instagram: http://instagram.com/daleysfruit Blog: http://blog.daleysfruit.com.au Twitter: https://twitter.com/daleysfruit Youtube Educate:…