Michael Walker, PhD candidate at the U of M, shares some insights on ways to repair friendships. Source

12 Eco friendly Habits for a More Sustainable Life
12 Eco friendly Habits for a More Sustainable Life Our planet and environment are threatened by the rapid growth of population and unsustainable consumption patterns. The key to a sustainable future is in our hands, but it will take time for us all to make changes that are necessary on an individual level before we…

Sri Lankan Rambutan Recipes Sweet and Sour Sinhalese Fruit Dishes (Sri Lankan Traditional Cuisine)
Rambutan is a fruit that is found in tropical parts of Asia and is recognizable by its bright red color and exterior that looks like messy hair (in fact, rambutan comes from the Malay word for hair). ️ This refreshing fruit is similar to lychee and can be eaten alone or as a key ingredient…

Why Salt Preserves Meat
→Subscribe for new videos every day! http://bit.ly/todayifoundoutsubscribe →Why Do Superheroes Wear Their Underwear on the Outside?: http://bit.ly/1Ow7J0K Never run out of things to say at the water cooler with TodayIFoundOut! Brand new videos 7 days a week! More from Today I Found Out: Who was the Real Mother Goose? http://bit.ly/1KmiHHE Why Nuclear Bombs Create Mushroom…

Pruning Pepper Plants 101: Is It Even Necessary?
Topping pepper plants is a topic of much debate, with some growers saying it’s a fantastic way to boost production, and others saying it’s not necessary at all. So, who’s right? As with most things in gardening, IT DEPENDS! Pruning peppers removes top growth to promote more branching and bushiness. By doing this, you sacrifice…

Singaporeans (Families) Try: Ultimate Zero Waste Challenge!
Zero waste is an all-rounded approach that focuses on waste prevention, followed by reusing and recycling all products to give them a second life. In this special episode of Singaporeans (Families) Try, we challenged two families to go zero waste for a whole week! Watch as they tackled the biggest problem at its root -…

How to Set Up Your Sewing Space and Make it Comfy!
Thanks for stopping by! Today we’re talking all about the essential parts of setting up any sewing space and how to make it comfy (hint: it’s mostly about the chair!). Make sure to hit subscribe so you don’t miss any of the videos in our “Sewing Room Series”! Hartford Stitch at Home brings you the…

Tour the “Hobbit house” up for sale in River Falls, Wisconsin
The two-bedroom home built in 1972 was designed by architect Mike McGuire and is selling for $315,000. Source

New Bloomingdale’s pop-up in NYC makes upcycling chic
At the Carousel, a pop-up shop inside the Bloomingdale’s flagship store at 59th Street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan, the concept is simple: Waste less, reimagine more. Everything is made of organic and recycled materials, and the concept takes the idea of upcycling to a whole new level. In the past, consumers had to choose…