I’m going to show you how to freeze fruit so you can save more money on your groceries! This method on how to freeze fruit, saves me over 50% on frozen fruit! Perfect solution on how to freeze strawberries for smoothies! *Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel if you want to learn how to…

Seed Germination | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children
Our topic for today is Seed Germination. The life of a plant begins from a tiny seed. The seed is protected by an outer covering called a seed coat. The seed contains a small baby plant called the embryo. Conditions required for the growth of a seed are Moisture, Warmth, Nutrient rich soil, Sunlight and…

Upcycling a Folkblouse & a Lacey Petticoat – Folkinspired Thriftflip
Last video in the Series about how I made a Folkinspired Set out of Second Hand Pieces. Do you want to wear more clothes that are inspired by history or by folklore? Me too, so I made this Folkinspired Set by using only second hand pieces I bought online. This Set is 100% Triftflipped because…

Reestablishing a Nourishing Relationship with Nature | University Place
Stephen Packard, Restoration Ecologist, discusses the environmental requirements for successfully reestablishing prairies and focuses on how to cultivate seeds, the germination process, and how to pollinate plants. Explore the full archive of PBS Wisconsin University Place lectures online anytime at https://pbswisconsin.org/universityplace and on the free PBS app on Roku, other streaming devices and Smart TVs.…

Radical Realism for Climate Justice: From Linear Economy to a Zero Waste Society
Limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial is feasible, and it is our best hope of achieving environmental and social justice, of containing the impacts of a global crisis that was born out of historical injustice and highly unequal responsibility. To do so will require a radical shift away from resource-intensive and wasteful production and…

Sushi for the future: the world’s first sustainable interactive sushi restaurant Moshi Moshi
See how the sushi masters at Moshi Moshi are using technology to spread the word on sustainable seafood. You can help us spread the word about sustainable seafood and sustainable fishing practices at Facebook.com/MSCecolabel If you liked this make sure to subscribe to our channel! FOLLOW US Facebook – facebook.com/MSCecolabel Twitter – @MSCecolabel Instagram -…

How to Repair a Hole in a Sock with Darning
Learn how to repair your damaged socks by using the tried and true method of darning. Give your nice socks the TLC they deserve. WEBSITE https://www.professorpincushion.com/ PATREON https://www.patreon.com/professorpincushion BLOG https://www.professorpincushion.com/professorpincushion/sock-darning/ APP https://www.professorpincushion.com/app/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/ProfessorPincushion/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/profpincushion/ INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/professorpincushion/ Source

What Is Hot Composting and How To Use It In Your Garden
Make compost FAST – the hotter the pile the faster the pile! Tricia shares her tips for getting your compost pile going in a big way. Compost doesn’t have to take 6 months to a year it can take little as 2 months to turn out rich finished compost. Source

10 Wall Mounted Bedroom Cabinet Upcycling ideas
More details and credit related to 10 wall mounted bedroom cabinet upcycling ideas Detail: https://www.simphome.com/wall-mounted-bedroom-cabinet-upcycling.html ———- Highlight: 10. Upcycle an Old Suitcase idea 9. A Stackable Wooden Cabinet idea 8. Ikea Besta Storage Hack idea 7. How to turn Old Drawers into floating Shelves 6. Wooden Crate Cabinet ideas 5. A Wall-Mounted Industrial Shoe Rack…

#ChangeThroughExchange Ep. 3: Making sustainable decisions
In the third episode of #ChangeThroughExchange, we challenge what it means to live sustainably. From making sustainable choices to researching new ways of renewable resources, Marit Kock and Mariella Benkenstein two students at Louisenlund Boarding school, are proving that young people can be involved in conservation projects that will benefit the future of our world.…