Eight years since participating in a permaculture design course and I think I’m getting the rudimentary aspects, or at least the health benefits of growing bionutrient dense food. I coined a new word: Bionutrient. A new term: Bionutrient dense. #Bionutrient #Bionutrientdense #Permaculture Source

Grow Your Own Potatoes!
Potatoes are amazing! You can make them into french fries, baked potatoes, hash browns, potato chips, and tons of other tasty foods! And best of all, they’re super easy to grow! Join Jessi and Squeaks to learn how! ———- Love SciShow Kids and want to help support it? Become a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishowkids ———-…

Types of Elastic Used in Sewing
Overwhelmed trying to decide which type of elastic to use for your sewing project? This video provides an overview on the most common types of elastic and their best uses. SHIRRING VIDEO https://youtu.be/rPp6Nn4mmYk RUCHE VIDEO https://youtu.be/kibI9QBsSWE BOOK LINK https://www.professorpincushion.com/books/ WEBSITE https://www.professorpincushion.com/ PATREON https://www.patreon.com/professorpincushion BLOG https://www.professorpincushion.com/professorpincushion/elastic-101/ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/ProfessorPincushion/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/profpincushion/ INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/professorpincushion/ Source

Try this system to compost as much as possible in your garden | Gardening 101 | Gardening Australia
Compost is certainly something you hear about a lot on Gardening Australia. And it’s easy to see why. It improves the fertility, drainage and water-holding capacity of soil, sequesters carbon, and making it means you’re not constantly sending kitchen scraps and garden waste to the tip. Best of all it’s free and easy to do.…

Reuse! 11 DIY Upcycling Crafting And Home Décor Ideas
Subscribe Here: https://goo.gl/KM3Axw 7 DIY Galaxy School Supplies / School Pranks And Life Hacks: https://youtu.be/RJwB-agReSU?list=PLy0LaulZe0vSzNLVwlQZVJszbLCsIwl_C Do you know that old things can be an inspiration for handmade and home design! What are we talking about? Watch our new video on how to use old things to good advantage! Supplies and materials: • Dried-up slime •…

My Top 7 Lonely Island Essentials | Zero Waste Travel
These are my zero waste, low waste essentials I take whenever I travel or move to any destination. Looking for more about Scuba Diving and Ocean Conservation? Visit www.oceanpancake.com As per usual, if you’re curious about any of my other videos…. S C U B A D I V I N G All about scuba…

Brad Makes Fermented Salsa | It’s Alive | Bon Appétit
It’s Alive with Brad Leone is back for episode 78 and this time Brad is making fermented salsa. Join Brad as chars up some chilis and lets ’em ferment to make a salsa so nice you just might dip twice. Follow Brad on Instagram: @brad_leone Join Bon Appétit test kitchen guy, Brad Leone, on a…

How to make healthy eating unbelievably easy | Luke Durward | TEDxYorkU
After breaking his leg, undergraduate student Luke Durward used his time to return home and mentor his little brother on healthy eating. While illustrating his brother’s dramatic transformation, Durward shares the obvious secret that is repeatedly overlooked by unsuccessful dieters. TEDxYorkU held its 4th annual event on March 4, 2014 at York University. The theme…

Maine Lobster: Sustainability at Sea
The Maine Lobster fishery is a model of resource sustainability and has been for generations, maintaining the same practices for 150 years. You can taste the care our lobstermen put into handling each lobster, all caught one trap at a time. Make it Maine, Make it New Shell. Learn more at http://www.lobsterfrommaine.com. Source

Upcycling furniture – Sewing table turn sink table – How to chalk paint furniture beginners
Hello everyone, here Upcyling furniture : Look what I found in a warehouse, an old sewing machine cabinet table, I fix it and makeovers an Old cabinet so new from sewing table turn sink table and hand painted furniture with painting cabinets with chalk paint, painting wood cabinets with chalk paint and in this video…