More Info on 17 Genius Before-and-After DIY Furniture Makeovers With Legs: ——————————————– 1. Turn a ratty cabinet… into a Mid-Century Modern wonder. DIY: 2. DIY A Vintage Dresser Goes From White… to Wow!!! DIY: 3. Add Legs to a Mid Century Modern Dresser DIY: 4. DIY Makeover a thrift shop dresser… to…

How to Mend a Hole in Knitted Sweater by Yourself
Different colors of wool are used so that everyone can understand the process and effect of darning. Source

Composting – How To Make Your Own Compost At Home
Learn what is composting and how to make compost in a compost bin the easy way using kitchen scraps and food waste. Turn vegetable and fruit scraps into compost. Also called Black Gold, compost is an excellent soil conditioner, amendment and fertilizer. Learn what goes into your compost bin and what does not. So know…

Extract unique orchid plants, How to make and take care orchids at home
Extract orchid flowers, How to make and take care of fast flowering | 5t1 ideas How to care for Phalaenopsis orchids at home 2.1. Select a seedling Currently, the gardens for Phalaenopsis orchids choose to nurse the flowers. In addition, if you know how to make use of Phalaenopsis orchids at home, you can separate…

How to crocheted dishcloths (beginner DIY – Zero Waste)
In this video, I show how to crochet cloths for daily cleaning. It’s both a fun beginner project and a good opportunity to live more sustainable and focusing on Zero Waste. And then it’s nicer to look ad with crochet cloths than the synthetic plastic cloths you can buy cheaply – which helps to blast…

About Upcycling Android
Every year, 1.5 billion smartphones are manufactured worldwide – and probably just as many are thrown away. Most of them after way too short usage times. E-waste increases every year. The production of devices requires a lot of energy and natural resources. With Upcycling Android we try to fix that problem – for Android devices…

3 Common Edible Weeds + Spring Greens Recipes
When it comes to edible weeds, there’s a whole feast of spring greens waiting just outside your door! Wouldn’t it be nice to have trustworthy information so you can: ► Be 100% sure you identify edible weeds correctly (and avoid any poisonous look alikes) ► Gather in a way that ensures plenty of future harvests…

how to fix holes in Clothes | how to repair sweater holes
amazingly creative ways to fix a hole in a Clothes | how to repair sweater holes Brilliant sewing tips to invisibly fix holes on clothes/ Save your clothes step by step in an amazing way using simple crafts to teach hand sewing for beginners to provide new and innovative ideas repairing holes in clothes in…

Floating Farm Takes Sustainable Agriculture to the Next Level
Like this video about sustainable agriculture and subscribe here: Up next- Futuristic Farms That’ll Feed The World: Inspired by the 2012 food shortages witnessed in New York City following Hurricane Sandy, husband and wife team Peter and Minke van Wingerden came up with the idea for a sustainable farm that floats on the…

Smoked Texas Brisket Recipe – Confit Brisket
Thank you for watching my smoked Texas brisket recipe. On this video, I took an E3 Meat Company brisket and smoked it Texas style using some SPG. Once the brisket was smoked, I rested/held the brisket in some wagyu beef tallow for 10 hours! This is by far one of the most flavorful briskets I’ve…