Individuals and large institutions alike are allocating more of their dollars to investment strategies that meet some level of environmental, social, and governance criteria. This is commonly referred to as responsible, sustainable, or green investing. Referenced in this video: – 2018 GLOBAL SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT REVIEW – Sustainability as BlackRock’s New Standard for Investing…

Foraging 100% of My Food for the Next Month!
I am foraging 100% of my food for the next month! Every. Single. Bite. Nature will be my garden, my pantry and my pharmacy. Join me online and in person as I’m traveling across the US from Wisconsin to New York City leading plant walks to help YOU deepen your relationship with our plant relatives!…

Join us as we visit a collector’s plant fair | Discovery | Gardening Australia
Tammy visits a rare plant fair to check out what’s on offer, chat with collectors, and choose a few plants to take home herself. Subscribe The Collector’s Plant Fair is held in North-West Sydney every year, growing into a major event since 2005. It attracts the most hardcore plant nerds along with weekend gardeners,…

Upcycling: Old Made New with Guest Tom Szaky
Founded in 2001, TerraCycle has been leading the movement in upcycling. CEO Tom Szaky joins Pedram Shojai on The Urban Monk to discuss the various forms of waste management now available to people. What is upcycling and how does it differ from recycling? Are there other levels to waste management? Is there a proactive approach…

Compost tea & fertilizing tricks|Trisha Shirey|Central Texas Gardener
On location at Lake Austin Spa Resort, Trisha Shirey demonstrates how to make compost tea. See how she sinks plastic nursery pots between plants to disperse the compost tea or drenched granular fertilizers deeply to plant roots. Source

How to be Zero Waste at UCI!
Website- Facebook- Hope you enjoy a short little video from our Facilities Management team here at UCI on how to recycle and compost on our campus. With a current diversion rate of 83%, UCI is well on its way to its goal of 95% by 2020! Be sure to check out our Facebook…

I tried 5 NEW sewing tools and gadgets! Let’s see if they’re worth it!
I have wanted to try these 5 nifty sewing tools and gadgets for so long, I decided it was time to get them, and report back my findings to see if they are worth it for you! 0:00 Intro 2:13 Buttonhole marker 4:59 Wooden clapper 6:55 Pressing ham stand 8:57 Tiny darning loom 12:23 Fork…

How to Freeze Strawberries, 3 Ways Including 1 Lazy Way
When you have more strawberries than you can eat, don’t let them go bad. Freeze them instead. In the video, I’m sharing 3 ways you can freeze strawberries. Including 1 lazy way that is so easy to do. Plus in the blog post you can find what equipment you’ll need. And more strawberry freezing tips…

How to make tomato soup I Easy restaurant recipes I Garden fresh tomato soup chef kooroush cooking
This tomato soup is my favorite soup recipe! you wouldn’t think just few basic ingredients they can come together to make such beautiful and delicious soup. Let me show you. just watch my tomato soup recipe video show you how to make it. #chefkooroush #gordonramsay #cooking #tomatosoup #soup #tomato #foodporn #foodie #food #healthyfood #tomatoes #yummy…

Seatiful Artworks, Repurposing and Upcycling with Passion
West Coast artist Cindy Egan draws creative inspiration from the ocean around her. She is also very passionate about reducing the amount of waste she makes. Through upcycling and repurposing, Cindy transforms regular household items into colourful works of art. #ShawSpotlight #ShawSpotlightArt #Upcycling Title: Creating Beauty By The Sea Producer: Jocelyn Matwe Subscribe and Follow…