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10 Zero-Waste Cleaning Swaps
Jhánneu (https://www.instagram.com/jhanneu/) shares some of her favorite zero waste cleaning swaps. Of course, use up what you already have in your home before buying some of these products! Subscribe to Goodful: https://bzfd.it/2QApoPk Goodful Feel better, be better, and do better. Subscribe to Goodful for all your healthy self care needs, from food to fitness and…

Making a Homemade Composter! | Full-Time Kid | PBS Parents
Turn any plastic bottle into your own DIY composter! Compost is a great way to think sustainably in your kitchen and turn food waste into nutrient-rich soil for your garden. This activity uses recyclable materials in to make environmental science quick, simple, and fun for young kids. Meet Mya! She’s a full-time kid and proud…

How to grow succulent plants successfully and avoid rot and mold by following these ten tips and tricks on succulent plant care. We also show you healthy four different methods of propagating succulents easily. Whether you are growing succulents & cacti indoors or outdoors, it’s really important to learn how to care for succulents and…

⭐ Repair Damaged & Torn Drywall Paper BEFORE YOU MUD IT!
If you have torn brown drywall paper, DON’T DO ANYTHING ELSE until you watch this video. Visit ThatKiltedGuy.com for links. Hey, If you want to learn how to Quickly Improve Your Drywall Mudding and finishing Skills, and reduce the number of problems on your drywall job, check out my new eBook Training Course at: https://geni.us/DrywallsecretsEbook…

10 DIYs to Upgrade Old Furniture – Furniture Makeovers – HGTV Handmade
Turn that hand-me-down into a personalized statement piece or breathe new life into an old favorite with inspiration from these furniture before-and-afters. Get the full instructions for each project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuAiwfFK25A&list=PLPBX4CwI7bw-xVkR9JZOltPKZcXpxuo5O Check out amazing before-and-after furniture projects: https://www.hgtv.com/shows/flea-market-flip/flea-market-flips-pictures?soc=yt See 10 more budget-friendly DIY furniture projects: https://hg.tv/2CIsusG Follow us on Instagram for even more crafty goodness: http://instagram.com/hgtvhandmade…

I Made 16 Meals For 2 People On A Food Bank And Fresh Produce Box | Budget Eats | Delish
Ever since the first super long-form Budget Eats episode aired, viewers have been requesting that we do a week subsisting off food pantry box contents. We haven’t done one—until now—because June didn’t want to misrepresent the experience of the 37 million Americans who live with food insecurity on a daily basis, 11 million of whom…

Being Black And Zero Waste-Ish
Click to subscribe to BuzzFeed’s newest channel, Cocoa Butter!: https://www.youtube.com/CocoaButter/ “Quite frankly, I’m tired of seeing white women taking up all of the space in a movement that was inherently black and indigenous.” Check out Dominique Drakeford’s sustainability platforms https://melaninass.com/ and https://www.sustainablebk.co/ Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/89790 Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! https://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo GET MORE BUZZFEED: https://www.buzzfeed.com…

How To Upcycle A Bookcase – Bunnings Warehouse
Sometimes, all an old piece of #furniture needs is a fresh colour – or two. #Upcycle an unloved pine #bookcase by choosing a fun, bright shade for the inside to frame books and knick-knacks, then finish the outside in a colour that complements the rest of the room. Tools and materials: Tools 50mm angled brush…