Over the past few years, we’ve been producing a lot of garlic and experimenting with a number of natural growing techniques. As a result, we ended up accidentally comparing 4 slightly different growing conditions, all at the same time: 1. Fresh hay mulch covering natural topsoil 2. Old spoiled hay mulch covering natural topsoil 3.…

13+ Survival Gardening Crops To Grow To Live Off Your Garden
Today I am going to talk to you about the Survival Garden. This is a garden designed to meet the majority of your nutritional needs in difficult times, to get you by for weeks or months without access to a grocery store and produce a majority of your food, even when times are good! Imagine…

NO NEW CLOTHES IN 2022: Zero Waste Textiles Challenge
NO NEW CLOTHES IN 2022: Zero Waste Textiles Challenge #zerowastetextileschallenge #upcycle #sewyourscraps #zerowaste #zerowastesewing #nonewclothesin2022 A little peek into my clothes hoard and some ground rules for this year’s challenge. Zero Waste Textiles Challenge Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLl_H0scruDWkrdasyRkhI6aXyWP6DLpYk Scraptastic Patchwork Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scraptasticpatchwork Scraptastic Patchwork Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ScraptasticPatchwork Scraptastic Patchwork Ebay Store (currently closed): https://www.ebay.com/str/lolascache My Amazon Store:…

How to Fix a Tear in a Shirt | Basic Mending | Whitney Sews
Learn how to repair rips in your clothing to give them a new life! I show step by step how to fix a tear in a shirt by making your own custom patch. It’s simple to do and keeps your favorite clothing from ending up as waste. Happy Sewing (and Mending)! Wonder Under – https://amzn.to/2SPmbd8…

Upcycling Idea ! Process of Making Eco-Friendly Granulator in Korea Factory.
Upcycling Idea ! Process of Making Eco-Friendly Granulator in Korea Factory. Thank you for watching our video! This video does not contain paid advertisements- Contact : mrprocess44@gmail.com – We are conducting free filming for small business owners and SME representatives who are confident in their products. Product in Video : https://bit.ly/3KW0y68 Location : https://bit.ly/3RHREeL (CRUTEC)…

Sushi’s role in the sustainable food movement
Overfishing is a growing concern, as it threatens to destroy ecosystems and wildlife. In response, some sushi chefs are stepping up to incorporate sustainable options in their menus. Aliza Abarbanel, Bon Appetit contributor, shares with “CBS News Mornings” what she learned while covering the sustainable sushi movement. #News #SustainableFood #EarthDay CBS News Streaming Network is…

Zero Waste
Psyched Paddleboarding, Natural Weigh and Ripple are examples of business’ across Wales that are pioneering more sustainable ways of living. Source

NYT: Prosecutors Laser-Focused On Witness That Could Lead Them Straight To Trump
New York Times Washington correspondent Mike Schmidt, former Justice Department prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, and former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi react to reporting that prosecutors are putting the squeeze on a key Trump aide in their documents probe. ยป Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsnbc Follow the MSNBC Midterms Elections guide to the important races…

Growing Hydroponic Vegetable Garden at Home – Easy for Beginners
Thank you for watching my video,Please help subscibes like,share my channel for more new creative video.If you want me to make somthing from recycle or any idea please drop your comment on my video or you can message to my channel.Thank you. Source

Upcycle a Bathroom Vanity
Learn how to upcycle an old desk into a stylish bathroom vanity. Source