Certain flowers remind people of special times in our past, including visits to parents and grandparents’ gardens. We will look for those old-fashioned favorites once again as they find their way into our garden. Melinda Myers shares easy-care plants like peonies, iris, self-sowing annuals, bulbs and even a few native favorites that are sure to…
Zero Waste Budget Friendly Laundry Routine|Relaxing Laundry Routine|No Detergents|No Chemicals
Today I’ll talk about the easiest way to switch to zero waste laundry routine with very few items. Let’s reduce the waste and keep our home free of nasty chemicals and allergies. It doesn’t involve any detergent or fabric softener. This routine is eco friendly, chemical free and sustainable. Connect with me on Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/earnestlifestyyle/…
Astonishing Backyard Garden Harvest, Suburban Permaculture Food Forest
This is what I harvested from my backyard garden today, come along as we harvests the fresh veggies and share them with my little dog Tuck. Anyone can grow food like this if they want. This is the best food in the world and no amount of money can buy food this good, you have…
Recycling for the Garden: Upcycling Items for a More Productive Vegetable Garden
See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx. Acquiring equipment for gardening can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve put together a list of items you can reuse and recycle in your garden. Most of us care for the environment and recycle what we can. However, there are so many ways to repurpose otherwise…
Top 6 Potting Mix/ Potting Soil recipes, with and without soil
#pottingmix, #pottingsoil, #pottingsoil_recipes, #citygardening, #soilless_potting_mix “Top 6 Potting Mix/ Potting Soil recipes, with and without soil”. Trying to grow plants in pots or containers, only with the help of simple garden soil, is nothing but wasting one’s hard labor. Actually, pot or containers need such a soil which is light in weight, porous, well drained,…
#3 Zero Waste: Sewing Scrap Projects
Got a ton of scrap fabric lying around? Whether it comes from projects we’ve already made or projects we will no longer make, we’re all familiar with how easy it is to collect unused fabric. Well, the solution to our problem is here! Today, we have some sweet DIY ideas for all your different fabric…
Brilliant sewing tips to invisibly fix holes on clothes / Keep your clothes
Brilliant sewing tips to invisibly fix holes on clothes/ Save your clothes step by step in an amazing way using simple crafts to teach hand sewing for beginners to provide new and innovative ideas repairing holes in clothes in an invisible way that allows us to recycle clothes again / Full explanation and step-by-step translation…
Make the CRISPEST, CRUNCHIEST Canned Pickles EVER! (Use THIS Method)
Knowing how to make pickles is something every home-gardener should know. But which pickle recipe is best? Which recipe maintains that pickle flavor, and which canning method leaves your pickles crunchy, even one year later? Come watch as I test five different canning methods and see the results one year later, then see my new…
12 Upcycling Art Hacks & Home Decor Ideas To Do When You Feel Bored At Home – Best Out Of Waste
Hey guys! In this video I’m going to show you 12 fun & creative upcycling art hacks & home decor ideas to do when you feel bored at home! If you don’t know what to do when bored, you can try out these cool quick and easy DIY projects at home to make the best…