Human composting became legal in Colorado last year as a green alternative to burial or cremation. Source

You can repair a puncture on your shoes without leaving any traces with just a needle and thread
You can repair a puncture on your shoes without leaving any traces with just a needle and threadusing a simple craft to teach sewing by hand for beginners to provide new and innovative techniques to repair a hole on your shoes using a needle and thread to sew the shoe from the outside and add…

How to use cloth diapers to reduce waste- zero waste family
How to use cloth diapers/cloth nappies to reduce waste, save money and raise children in a more healthy manner. This is a guest video by Emma Ross, also known as Mamalina. I find her to be very inspirational and I’m really glad to have her as a guest on my channel. Emma is a mom…

CANNING 101 | The Basics for Beginners
#canning #howtocan #hotbath Learn about hot bathing, old-fashioned pressure canning and even the NEW way to pressure can as Tim and Nicki share some canning secrets and tips. Green Tomatoes, Strawberry Jam, Zucchini Pickles, Pickled Green Beans with Lois, Cabbage and Green Beans. Recipes at Subscribe NOW to Tim Farmer’s Country Kitchen: Watch…

Easy Way To Sprout Seeds Seed Sprouting Jar – Grow Your Own Food In 3 Days
Easy Way To Sprout Seeds Seed Sprouting Jar How To Sprout Seeds Easy Sprouting at Home for Beginners Seed Sprouting Lid for Mason Jar How to sprout seeds, grow sprouts from seeds in a mason canning jar? Grow Your Own Food In 3 Days Follow these few simple easy steps on how to germinate…

Need extra cash? Try ‘upcycling’ your clothes at a local thrift store | SA Live | KSAT 12
You can “upcycle” your fashion, support local and help the environment — all at Uptown Cheapskate. In partnership with Uptown Cheapskate. Learn more at #ad #uptowncheapskate #fashion #resell #sanantonio #ksat12 #salive #upcycling Source

January Harvests & Recipes from Our Zone 5 Garden
In today’s video, I share some of what we harvested in January from our unheated zone 5 hoop house. I also share recipes we made with the harvests. “Four Season Harvest” by Eliot Coleman: “The Winter Harvest Handbook” by Eliot Coleman: “The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener” by Niki Jabour: 6 mil Greenhouse Plastic:…

Great sewing idea. See what I can do with fabric scraps.
Hi all! How to make an organizer bag at home? In this video tutorial, I’ll show you an easy way to make a cute organizer bag from scratch using leftover fabric, batting, interlining and oilcloth. I don’t use complicated templates and always keep my DIY projects simple enough for anyone to follow and do it…

Técnicas de upcycling para un armario sostenible – Corso Online de Gaia Segattini | Domestika
Aprende a dar una segunda vida a prendas viejas y olvidadas a través de técnicas básicas de upcycling y minimiza el impacto ambiental: Reparar siempre es mejor que consumir: este concepto de upcycling se puede aplicar también a la moda y, de forma individual, al armario. Minimizar el impacto ambiental y tomar decisiones sostenibles…