Do you like the green color of a beautiful Gin Basil Smash cocktail? What about a clarified version? Do you think it loses all the freshness and the look of this herbal drink? I made a zero waste Basil Smash with clarified basil-cucumber cordial (using agar agar for clarification) which can be used to make…

The TRUTH About Regrowing Veggies From Kitchen Scraps
We’ve all seen them – and I’ve even ROASTED some. The “viral hacks” about regrowing common plants from kitchen scraps. In today’s video, our resident horticulturist Chris actually regrew ALL of the common scraps to see what ACTUALLY happens and what that means for your garden. 00:00 – Intro 01:00 – Plant Morphology 01:24 -…

University of Cambridge Business Sustainability Management Online Short Course | Trailer
Watch this trailer for the Business Sustainability Management online short course from the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). Over eight weeks, you’ll be equipped with a working knowledge of the shifting social, economic, and environmental challenges facing the private and public sectors, helping you effectively argue the business case for future-focused sustainability…

Ancient Water: Permaculture in Egypt
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison journeys to the Dakhla Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt to consult on an ecovillage project that’s under development. This video explores the permaculture site analysis process and how the mind of the designer perceives and analyzes information in a new location. The Eastern Sahara is the second driest location…

Old sofa makeover – upcycling DIY | CharliMarieTV
This week I give you some simple tips to quickly makeover and upcycle an old sofa or couch, without spending a lot of money, Please remember to subscribe I wanted to do something about the tired old sofa in the living room of our flat. The fabric was faded and worn and the cushions…

Mending Enchantment in Minecraft
Watch this video to learn about the Mending enchantment and how it works in Minecraft. The Mending enchantment allows you to repair certain tools, weapons, armor and the Elytra. Mending Enchantment: Enchantments: Tools: Weapons: Armor: Elytra: Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for upcoming epic Minecraft content! Visit…

MIRACLES OF NEEM OIL in GARDENING | Best Pesticide Recipes
In this episode, we will discuss on the amazing miracles of Neem oil in gardening as a broad spectrum organic pesticide for plants. We will also learn what is Cold Pressed and Heat pressed neem oil and which neem oil works best for your gardening needs. We will also learn how to use neem oil…

2 Min. Tip: Heat up Compost without Turning It (Quick & Easy!)
In today’s 2 minute gardening tip, I show you how you can heat up a compost pile without turning it. Geobin: If you shop on Amazon, you can support OYR simply by clicking this link (bookmark it too) before shopping: OYR is all about growing a lot of food on a little land…

Several ways to preserve pork in rural China |腊月,吃了泡汤肉 腌好腊肉 装好香肠,就有年味啦!| Chinese Food 野小妹 美食
欢迎订阅! Welcome to subscribe!野小妹wild girl ========================================== 欢迎来到野小妹频道,有你们的支持 让我们的人生更精彩! =============================================== (野小妹)一个地道的贵州妹子! 跟着我的视频去看贵州的 美食 小吃 野菜 中国美食 Chinese Food DIY 农村的风俗,风景,山山水水,,享受农村的生活! ====================================================== 每周不定期更新,如果没更新,可能是没网啦,欢迎大家订阅 ==================================================== 贵州 美食 | 野小妹Wild girl 菌子 | 装香肠 腌制腊肉 熏腊肉 杀年猪 吃年猪饭 #野小妹 #ChineseFood #wildgirl Source

IKEA Sustainable living
Sustainability is not new to IKEA. We’ve done a lot and we’ll be doing a lot more. Meet Steve Howard, chief sustainability officer for IKEA Group, and three IKEA co-workers as they talk about where we’re heading. Source