This video focuses on the sewing of a transparent dress, how to sew padding into the lining and the combination of two different fabrics. Links: Instagram: @friedalepold Twitter: Frieda Lepold Website: Music: Via EpidemicSound: Dex 1200 – Faith in You Ever so Blue – Onthou Lama House – Before the War Jakob Ahlborn…

Google Sustainability | Helping everyone make more sustainable choices
At Google, one of the biggest ways we can help combat climate change is through our core products. From your commute, to your travel, or your home – our goal is to help make the sustainable choice an easier choice. Subscribe to our Channel: Tweet with us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram:…

How to upcycle a Welsh Dresser with Chalk Paint – Upcycle furniture with Chalk Paint
How to upcycle a Welsh Dresser with Chalk Paint. Upcycle furniture with Chalk Paint and Chalk Paint Wax. Join my wife as she upcycles a tired looking wooden Welsh Dresser to modernise it and give it a new lease of life. Upcycling a Welsh Dresser upcycle your furniture using the tips in this upcycling…

How to make a potted food forest for small spaces | DIY Garden Projects | Gardening Australia
Hannah creates potted productive plant combinations, to show how you can have a food forest in a small space. Subscribe A food forest aims to have all plants on a site working together. The classic model has seven layers: canopy layer (large fruit trees), understorey (smaller nut and fruit trees), shrubs (berries and large…

What We Do in a Day: Zero Waste Building, Duck Cuddles and Goat Drama!
Tag along for a day on the farm! We fix a fence, cuddle many duckies, and build a gate — all from recycled materials. And the goats act VERY naughty We are sisters, Julia and Anastasia — working our way towards self sufficiency and off grid living on Bundjalung Country in the rainforests of East…

The Making of the Moon and the Stars Dress – Making a velvet dress inspired by the night sky
Today we are sewing the night sky – this video is about the design process, little tricks when tracing the pattern onto fabric and a lot of hand sewing. Links: Instagram: @friedalepold Twitter: Frieda Lepold Website: Music: Via EpidemicSound: Patchwork – Ever so Blue Contrarium – Ever so Blue Bookmarks – Ever so…

Selbstrenovierter Altbau – Nachhaltig wohnen mit Upcycling-Möbeln | SWR Room Tour
Vor Annie ist kein Sperrmüllhaufen sicher. Sie liebt es, alte Second-Hand-Möbel aufzuarbeiten. Zum einen ist sie ein großer Fan von Vintage-Möbeln, insbesondere von Midcentury- und Danish-Modern-Stücken. Zum anderen möchte sie gerne möglichst nachhaltig leben und dazu gehört es auch, brauchbare Dinge weiterzuverwenden. Über die Jahre ist Annie mit viel Fantasie und handwerklichem Geschick eine richtige…

Zero Waste Watch #1 – Centre County Solid Waste Authority
As you may know, at Shaver’s Creek we “trashed” our trash dumpster last year. We now recycle and compost nearly every single item that passes through our facility. Of course, this was not only for our benefit; we want to inspire people to strive for zero waste in their own homes, and think about the…

Winter Food Storage – The Bleak Frontier
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