Wondering what to do with those ill-fitting jeans at the back of your closet? Upcycle them into an absolutely adorable (& oh-so-comfortable) tiered dress with my refashionista tutorial! Whip up a bunch of bangles from the chopped hems with my no waste DIY: https://youtu.be/ubFhIl_xN28 & easily distress your denim here: https://youtu.be/WrPy7PlmKPQ Get your free copy…
Urban Farming: Greenhouses Let You Grow Food All Year
Eddie and Lydia are proud parents of four children who want to feed their growing family organic produce without paying higher prices. Like many others who have latched on to the urban farming trend, they want to know where their food is coming from. That’s where Riverstone Industries comes in. David from Riverstone Industries introduces…
Sustainability and the Methane Gas Landfill Experiment!
What exactly is sustainability? Simply put, sustainability is about changes we can make to help look after the planet. Making these changes helps protect animals, plants, and our environment’s natural resources. With Planet Earth being home to more than 7 billion people, there are a lot of the planet’s resources being used every day. Sustainability…
Aszhianna interviews her mother about the University of Wisconsin Odyssey Project
The UW-Odyssey Project changes lives for adults near the poverty level. Now in its 15th year, this inspirational project has empowered more than 400 low-income adults to find their voices and get a jumpstart at earning college degrees they never thought possible. Graduates of the program have journeyed from homelessness to UW-Madison degrees, from incarceration…
DIY Ecology: A cheap and easy way to compost kitchen scraps
Composting transforms kitchen scraps into a prized soil amendment that appeals to helpful insects and microbes, and upgrades a garden’s overall structure and health. Composting also keeps waste out of the landfill, which cuts down on methane emissions. As much as 50% of residential garbage in Washington state could have been composted. There are loads…
How to Cook Spot Prawns | Sustainable Seafood | Ocean Wise
Chef Rob Clarke shows us the absolute easiest way to prepare spot prawns. Source
Canning 101/ How to can for beginners
Hey guys! I’m so glad I could finally make this video! This is for anyone who has never Canned before or is interested in the process of doing it. I hope this helps and encourages you to can. #canning #homesteadingforbeginners Release and waiver, liability https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YpH_7hnAJG76S0Ui4YSFCg3fv5VW5tTW/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=106254602652341989165&rtpof=true&sd=true ForJars canning lids – https://forjars.co/?sca_ref=1911222.ocMm3emd8Y DISCOUNT CODE BELOW! PROMO code…