Thank you Birch for sponsoring! Visit to get $400 off your Birch mattress plus two free pillows! #birchliving I know this video looks like it all happened *quickly* but, trust me, it did not.🤣 Everything took a couple of months, between demoing, painting, flooring, electric, unpacking enough crap to find the parts I need…

Clothes upcycling: The upside down concept to recycle old clothes
#ClothesUpcycling #CreativeRefashions #EcoFashionSewing One of the best things when upcycling clothes is that it’s a fun way to build up your creative skills. The upside-down technique is great for that. If you love recycling old clothing into new styles, come over and sign up to my website (new freebie for sewing refashionistas!): There is…

What is Sustainable Agriculture? Episode 1: A Whole-Farm Approach to Sustainability
SARE’s video series “What is Sustainable Agriculture” highlights some common practices farmers and ranchers use to improve profitability, quality of life and environmental stewardship. Learn more at “A Whole-Farm Approach to Sustainability” provides a short, animated outline of basic principles that can be used to introduce or complement more detailed training materials. Source

Vascular Plants = Winning! – Crash Course Biology #37
Hank introduces us to one of the most diverse and important families in the tree of life – the vascular plants. These plants have found tremendous success and their secret is also their defining trait: conductive tissues that can take food and water from one part of a plant to another part. Though it sounds…

13 FUN & easy TIN CAN UPCYCLING IDEAS that I hope you’ll enjoy! Let me know which one is your FAVORITE & if you will be giving any of these ideas a try 🙂 MORE Tin Can Craft ideas over on my BLOG @ REPURPOSED DIY’s video using EMPTY GLASS JARS My DIY…

PICKLING vs FERMENTING – What’s the Difference? Quick Grocery Store I.D.
What is the difference between pickled and fermented? This video explains the difference between pickling vs fermenting as identified in a US grocery store. Is it pickled or fermented? =================================== NOTES ON THIS VIDEO: ** I would like to add these points to help clear up confusion. *Re: PASTUERIZATION vs STERILIZATION: I made the mistake…

10 Easy Sewing projects, Scrap Fabric Ideas, Craft Compilation Video
I have 10 easy sewing projects to share with you in the video. These sewing projects are perfect for beginners, and great ideas for using your scrap fabric. I put together this craft compilation video to give you inspiration and ideas for your sewing projects. These sewing projects are perfect gift ideas, or small sewing…

Net-zero, Sustainability & HR as Corporate Activist
The United Nations has declared a global climate emergency. Significant climate change is seen as irreversible and corporate sustainability is now one of the highest priorities for most businesses. As a result, many companies are now setting net-zero targets. Are these initiatives still just greenwashing or are organisations finally taking sustainability seriously? Natal Dank and…

Permaculture The Documentary: How it started
David Holmgren recounts how a chance meeting with Bill Mollison sprouted the idea that became Permaculture. This short film is part of a bigger film Permaculture The Documentary, produced by Dogs Go Woof Productions. This is a first reveal of the footage that has been shot with David during three days spent at Melliodora. The…

Making school food sustainable
Professor Kevin Morgan and Dr Roberta Sonnino are winners of the Public Policy category of the ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize 2013. The ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize recognises and rewards the successes of ESRC-funded researchers achieving outstanding economic and societal impacts. Source